The 10 Commandment of Dating Summary

The 10 Commandment of Dating Summary

         The 10 Commandments of Dating By Ben young &DR. Samuel Adams

Thou shalt Get a Life

People with lives are not sitting around waiting to be swept off their feet. People with lives do not make “getting married “their ultimate goal. People with live do not always have to be in a relationship or on a date to feel good about themselves.
 Relationship and marriage are important, but they must be kept in perspective.
When romantic relationships become an obsession or they are elevated to prime importance, you’ve got a problem.

 Here are the most common symptoms of the un-life known as the four Deadly Ds

Desperation: A desperate person has a sense of urgency about finding a mate. He is starving for someone to fill the emotional hole in his soul.

     Dependence: A dependent person gains a sense of significance and security through                others. He must be attached to someone in order to feel good about himself.

    Depression and loneliness: Feelings of depression and loneliness are the number one             complaint of singles who buy into the notion that someone else can make them happy.            This can take any forms but generally it is a condition that affects the whole person:                  physically, emotionally etc.

    Detachment: isolated, withdrawn, lonely, and watches the jerry springer show describe someone who has disengaged from his life. This person has detached himself from life.

How to get a life

Get grounded

   Getting grounded is the foundation for getting a life, It is about having a solid identity and sense of self. It involve value of feeling self-confident and secured.

Get grouped

Getting grouped is all about developing replenishing relationships. It is being involved with other beyond superficiality. It is about being in deeper relationships where there is trust, safety, and vulnerability.
Get goal – oriented
Goals move us in business, sports, politics and relationship with God, goals make the different between reaching forward with purpose, or spinning around in meaningless circus. People have more difficulty setting goals than they do accomplishing the once they are set. Actress Lily Tomlin once said, “I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.”
Get a specific and write out some goals for yourself.

Get Giving
Giving is about meeting the needs of others on a practical level.
Get Growing
In all aspects of life, things are either stagnant or growing. If you are not growing, expanding, or improving your life, you are stagnant.

Thou Shalt Use Your Brain

Real love can only begin to grow or flourish when the infatuation diminished. And it is only this kind of love that can sustain a marriage relationship in the long run.

Three drives of romantic love

·         Emotion driven dating: note relation built on emotionalism can be deadly
·       Hormone driven dating: nothing interferes with logic and common sense more than the         sex drive. You can’t build a marriage on hormone and emotion you must use your brain.
·         Spirit driven dating: there is nothing quite as dangerous as deeply “religious men or women who spiritualize their dating.”
B- balance the head and heart
R- refrain from physical intimacy
A-  Analyze your past relationship
I – include others in the process
N- never neglect opportunities to evaluate along the way

If you can make a commitment to implement these five steps you will be well on your way to using your brain, not just your emotion, hormones and spirituality.

Thou Shalt Be Equally Yoked

There are certain types of relationship that are doomed from the start. We called these unequally yoked relationship (UYRS). There are five most prevalent (and dangerous) unequally yoked relationships.

The Missionary Relationship

This focus on getting the person to jump through religious hoops and buying to the belief system. The ultimate objective of course, is to get him to “pray the prayer”.

The Mother Teresa Relationship

  If you have a tendency to attract and hang on to needy people in order to” love” them to health, you are called to be an equal partner in a relationship, not a shrink, surrogate parent.

       The Exotic Relationship

Exotic relationship is exciting and adventurous, but they’re extremely impractical.

          The Sugar Daddy Relationship

The hallmark of the sugar daddy relationship is the substantial age difference between partner.

       The Dennis Rodman Relationship

The essence of this kind of relationship is the need to date some- one purely out of rebellion, rodman relationship daters choose a partner who is exactly opposite of everything their family would want for them

 The Equally Yoked Relationship

 A relationship by definition is the connecting of persons. Therefore, to have a successful relationship with the opposite sex you must connect on many order to truly connect with another person you must connect on three general levels: spiritual, physical, and social

Thou Shalt talk It Slow

Take it slow and get know the person you are potentially marrying before you buy the ring.
Three reasons to talk it slow
·         You do not get to know a person in a short period of time
·         You need time to bond
·         You protect yourself from getting attracted too quickly.

              Seven slow- motion dating strategies

·         Make the two-year commitment (see Ezekiel 4:35)
·         Make your first date short and causal
·         Don’t volunteer too much information up front
·         Delay physical affection
·         Stay connected with your friends
·         Do not pray together
·         Don’t mention the “M” word.

Thou Shalt Set Clear Boundaries

Boundaries defines who you are, and they reinforce the ideal that you are separate and distinct from others. They describe what you think and feel, as well as what you are willing to do.

Thou Shalt Save Sex For Later

       The seven blunders of the sexual world:

·         “All you need is a condom”; condom fail at least 10 percent of the time to prevent                    pregnancy.
·         “You’ve got to have it”; some people think they are actually going to exposed if they              don’t get the sex they need.
·         “Sex equals intimacy”; many times, ex outside of marriage reduce intimacy instead of             building it.
·         “If you are in love it’s okay”; some believed that if you have date someone one or two            years, and if you are in love and marriage is possibility in the future, then sex is okay.
·         “You must sample the goods”; many couples are shocked to discover that what once                turned their date on sexually doesn’t work so well in the context of marriage
·         “It’s just a physical thing”; sex connects you soul to the soul of another person like a               super glue. Any time you have sex and then break up or move to the next person, a part       of your soul break and stays with your former lover.
·         “Everybody’s doing it”; everybody is doing it as only resulted in the escalation of STDs,        broken hearts, ruptured marriages, unwanted babies.

Thou shalt not play house

Love, finances, practice, and engagement may be the politically correct reason couples give for cohabitation, but these are not the real reason there are playing house, there are four real reason.

Fear: fear of divorce

·         Sex: for free sex
·         Manipulation: if guys move in primarily for convenient sex, women move in often to manipulate the man into marriage.
·         Immaturity: it’s an immature decision to live together before you get married.

 Thou shalt fight fairly

We want you to have the five crucial skill for dealing with conflict. These are not mere suggestions or recommendations; these must be utilized for success.

                     Five fail- fighting tactics

·         Dial down
·         Set the tone
·         Shut up and listen
·         Use “I” statements
·         Negotiate and compromise

Thou Shalt Not ignore Warning Signs

                           The seven deadly signs

·         Abuse: one of the most destructive warning signs for a relationship is any form of abuse.
·         Addition: by its very nature, an addition is a powerful, habitual form of behavior that cannot be overcome merely by a decision to stop.
·         Infidelity: if you are in a serious relationship with someone who is or has been unfaithful, we suggest you think twice about continuing it.
·         Irresponsibility and immaturity (the Peter pan): people with a pattern of the above characteristic are generally unreliable, unmotivated and un sure of themselves.
·         No physical/ sexual attraction: this isn’t the most important aspect of a relationship, but it is very important nonetheless
·         Emotional baggage: it is the man or woman who carries significant unresolved emotional or psychological baggage from their past that interferes with normal health.
·         Denial.

Thou Shalt Choose Wisely

Many men and women across the globe have had their hearts and lives torn apart because they choose poorly in the dating process, this final chapter will be summarized with one phrase: dating is discernment. Our premise is that the dating experience is about being able to discern who this person really is.

       Five essential characters qualities that you need in a mate

·         faithful
·         honest
·         committed
·         forgiving
·         giving.

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