Quite Talks on Prayer Summary

Quite Talks on Prayer by S.D  Gordon Summary

Prayer the greatest outlet of Powers

   There is one inlet of power in this life-any- Body’s life-any kind of power; just one inlet      the Holy Spirit. He is power. He is in every one who opens his door to God. He eagerly         enters every open door
      But with many of us while he is in, He is not in control: in as guest; not as host. That is       to say He is hindered in His natural movement; tied up, so that He cannot do what he               would.

There are Five outlets of Power

     First: Through the life, what we are
     Second: Through the lips, what we say
     Third: Through our service, what we do
     Fourth: Through our money, what we do not keep, but lose out for God.
     Fifth: Through our prayer, what we claim in Jesus Name

     The greatest thing anyone can do for God and for man is to pray, for if a man is to pray        right, he must first be right in his motives and life. The great people of the earth today          are  the people who pray. I do not mean those who say they believe in prayer; nor yet            those who can explain about prayer: but I mean those people who take time and pray.             There  are people that put prayer first, and other items in life’s schedule around and after prayer.
  There must be an open hand and heart and life through which God can give what he longs to in touch with a planet.
 Prayer opens a whole planet to a man’s activities. I can as really be touching heart for God in faraway India or china through praying than through your personality. You can do more than pray, after you have prayed. But you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.


  It is unlike all other forms of service and superior to them in this: that it has fewer limitations. Prayer is striking the winning blow at the concealed enemy. Service is gathering up the results of that blow among the men we see and touch.

The Spirit Switchboard

  Just such a switch-room in the spirit realm is one’s prayer room. Everyone who may have such a spirit switching-board in his life. There he may go and in compliance with the law of the power used loosen out the gracious persuasive irresistible power of God where he wills to. Children are not allowed at the electrical switchboard, nor any unskilled hand, for misuse means possibility of great damage to property and life. And the spirit switchboard does not yield to the unskilled touch.

The Broad Inner Horizon

 This suggest at once that the right rounded Christian life has two sides. The outside and the inner side. To most of us the out-side, seems greater. The living, the serving, the giving, the doing, the absorption in life’s work, the contact with women. They seem to be the great business of life even to those of us who thoroughly believe in the inner life

  Prayer the deciding factor in a spirit conflict

  In its simplest meaning prayer has to do with a conflict right understood it is the deciding factor in a spirit conflict. The scene of the conflict is the earth. The purpose of the conflict is to decide the control of the earth, and it inhabitants.

 Prayer is projecting one’s spirit personality

  Now prayer is a spirit force. It has to do wholly with spirit beings and forces. It is an insistent calming, by a man an embodies spirit being, down on the contested earth, that the power of Jesus victory over the great evil-spirit chieftain shall extend to particular lives now under his control.

 The faith, the Battle- field in prayer   

  The greatest agency put into man’s hands is prayer, To understand that at all fully one needs to define prayer. And to define prayer adequately one must use the language of war. Peace language is not equal to the situation. The earth is on a state of war. It is being hotly besieged and so one must use war talk to grasp the fact with which prayer is concerned, prayer from God’s side is communication between himself and his allies in the enemy’s country.

    Three form prayers

* Prayer of communication
*Prayer of petition
*Prayer of intercession

     The Victor’s Great plan

 Now prayer is this; a man, one of the original trustee class, who received the earth in trust from God, and who gave its control over to Satan- stolen, sin –slimed, sin-cursed, contested earth; a man, on the earth, with his life in full touch with the victor. Jesus is the victor, Satan knows it, and fears him

    Does prayer influence God?

 This leads to a very old question: Does prayer influence God? No question has been discussed more, or more earnestly. Skeptical men of fine scientific training have with great positiveness said “no”. And Christian men of scholarly training and strong faith have with equal positiveness said “yes”. Prayer surely does influence God; it does not influence its purpose. It does influence its action.

     Why the result fail

     There are three sorts of hindrance to prayer

1.       The break off connection
2.        James speaks of it in his letter,” ye have not because ye ask not”.
3.        A third thing spoken of as hindering prayers is an unforgiving spirit.

        The “how” of relationship

 This statement are the most sweeping to be found anywhere in the scriptures regarding prayer. There is no limitation as to who shall ask, nor the kind of thing to be asked for. There are three limitations imposed: the prayer is to be through Jesus, the person praying is to be in fullest sympathy with him; and this person is to have faith.

      The “how “of method

 The first thing in prayer is to find God’s purpose, the trend, the swing of it; the second thing to make that purpose our prayer. We want to fine out what God is thinking, and then to claim that shall be done.

   The trysting place

 There are six suggestion here in how to pray.

Frist- we need time for prayer, unhurried time, daily time, time enough to forge about how much time it is

Second- we need a place for prayer.
Third- we need much emphasis to-day give the book of God its place in prayer. Prayer is not talking to God-simply, it is listening first, then talking.

Fourth – let the spirit teach you how to pray, the more you pray the more you find yourself saying, “I don’t know how to pray”

Fifth - prayer must be in Jesus name.

Six- prayer must be in faith, but please note faith here is not believing that God can, but that he will.

   How to find God’s will

 We should make a study of God’s will, we ought to seek to become skilled in knowing his will. the more we know him the better shall we be able to read intelligently his will.

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