Sexual purity and overcoming addictions in a Digital world

sexual purity and overcoming addition in this Digital World


Exodus 32:1-7
The spirit that is basically responsible for most of the fleshly addictions that may young people have found themselves tangled with is referred to as boredom in this generation, there are many people designed for great things but they are bored. The time of your youth is when your strength is at its peak. Young people yearn to be relevant, significant and make impact in their world because we humans are naturally wired that way. But sadly, there are still many young people who are bored. When a person is bored, what usually comes to is mind, is not anything spiritual e.g. Evangelism, Intercession, Bible study etc.
It is defined as absence of vision. When young people say they are bored, it simply means they lack vision. Another word for boredom is idleness (the idle mind is the devil’s workshop). It is the reason many young people do what is immoral e.g. visit pornography website, listen to circular music, etc. not because they have a negative intention but they want to get themselves occupied.

Relevance of Vision

1.     You will never subdue your flesh until you see the need to. Vision only gives you the reason to fight sexual immorality, addition etc.
2.    You can’t see what is ahead and be comfortable with sexual sin. Jesus saw the hope that was set before Him and made up His mind to endure and despise the shame.
3.    Vision saves you the stress of wasting your time searching for a life partner


Fornication is idolatry. The devil cannot make you commit sexual sin without first dethroning Christ from your heart. Fornication is impossible if your allegiance is totally to the Lord.
Who is Lord in your Life?
Is it your phone, when you wake up, in class, at work, should be praying etc.?
It I one of the most terrible invasions of the enemy in this generation. Lust is a desire for the forbidden


1.     Kills your interest for pleasing God and makes you only interested in pleasing yourself
2.    Lust makes you despise the things you ought to value e.g. virginity
3.    It makes you usually secretive, always withdrawing to yourself, always spending time alone in the room
4.    It will make you a liar
5.    It makes you love the things you should hate


1.     You get easily aroused at the sight of the opposite sex
2.    Dressing to reveal your body
3.    Posting of almost naked pictures of yourself to get attention
4.    Addicted to listening to secular music
5.    Addiction to pornography
6.    Addiction to masturbation
7.    Homosexuality and lesbianism
8.    Constantly doing the things that God forbids


·         You won’t die when you sin – Gen 3:4
Notice how easily we sin with the mindset that we will be forgiven
·         Eat and become wise (indirectly telling Eve, you are a fool), thereby making her inferior...
You become a slave o whatever you are made to feel inferior to – 2Peter 2:19
The above is the reason why so many young people engage in sexual sin, they have been enslaved
Total Liberty is available to all who has made up their mind to accept it. Christ is liberty from Lust and its vices
Worship God
Study and submit to God’s word
Submit to GOD, Resist the devil and he will flee…  James 4:7

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