“The story of Helen Ewan a Scotland, a fragrant Dynamic life”

In one sense, Helen Ewan was an ordinary, common Christian and in another she was an extraordinary one. Her brief Christian life of eight years was filled with the fragrance and glory of God. It was filled with blessing to both saint and sinners.

            Helen Ewan was born around 1910 into an ordinary working class family she was the only child. Both of her parents loved Christ supremely. The blessed son of God was the center around which the whole household revolved. They lived for only one thing and that was to please God in every details of their lives. Three well marked bibles were always conspicuous in their living room.

            After her conversion at the age of fourteen, Helen’s whole personality was radiant with the glory of the Lord. God in His sovereign grace had shone into her darkened soul in order that through this ordinary “Earthenware container” might be manifested the supposing majesty of the power of the gospel.

            Being full of the Holy Spirit, she was full of Christ. As she studied the word of God, he took of the treasures of the Lord Jesus and revealed them unto her (John 16:14-15). This made her heart dance for joy. Many times she would stop Christians on the street and with radiant face; tell of some choice portion of scripture where she had found some new picture up her blessed redeemer. These friends often left her present weeping. They said “we have seen Jesus; we have looked into His glorious face”. The awe of God remained upon their souls throughout the remainder of the day many testified that just her passing smile, or her cheery, “Good day. God bless you,” was an uplifting tonic to them the rest of their day.

            In her prayer life, Helen was such an example to all. She arose each morning around five o’clock to commune with her Lord. She would begin her communion with praise and worship. She then read the word to warm her heart. After fellowship and communion followed her ministry of intercession for her friends and family, for her assembly, for hundreds of missionaries and the foreign fields. Then came her prayer ministry for the unsaved. She had a list of unsaved persons to whom she had testified and for who she prayed daily until they were born again.

            When finally, she entered the university of Glasgow, she used to walk several miles from her home to the varsity each day so that she could distribute tracks along the way. At the same time, she could save streetcar fare and give it to the missionaries cause needless to say she had the joy of leading many students to Christ on the campus. Her body was a walking temple of the Holy Spirit. Thus, wherever she went the power of God was manifested. She studied the whole book from Genesis to Revelation. Thus she became a deeply intelligent child of God. Even when she was a hard working student in her secular studies in the university, seeking to make good grades for His glory, she still gave time for Bible study and meditation. This made her a well-balanced Christian, though there was no time or place in her life for idle gossip or foolish talk.

            At the university Helen was preparing herself for missionary service among the Russian people of eastern Europe. Already she was learning the Russian language in preparation for her life’s ministry. But God, in His wisdom and love, called her home at the age of twenty-two.

            She had been spending her vacation with an aunt in the kingdom of fire and while there was continually about her master’s business. She was taken ill suddenly and as suddenly was called home.

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